Poet, Author, Teacher

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I want to tell you a small part of my experience of writing Angel Thieves. To a certain extent, all of my books feel a bit slippery as they come into being, but this one was like trying to walk a dozen cats on the ends of a dozen leashes.
So, I take setting extremely seriously. Those who have read my other novels, know that I reply upon the setting to help inform the work. So, when I set out to write this new novel, I knew that it would take place in Houston, and also that, for the most part, the events of the story would occur along the shores of the Buffalo Bayou, which serves as the arterial heartbeat of the city.
Welcome to my new blog, “What the Cat Dragged In.” It’s been a very long time—7 years to be exact—since my last blog entry. That feels like a lifetime ago. But with the launch of this new novel, the time seemed right.